Phone dating is as simple as talking on the phone. Everyone is on the same level, so having a few basics to utilize can be a great way to get a leg up. Being aware of the tone of your conversation, what you say, and having plenty of conversation starters and topics to chat about is well put together plan.
Keep Things Positive More Than Negative
Keeping things positive is a great way to connect with other people. Adding some optimism to your conversation can feel uplifting to the people around you. Be observational, and when positive things shared by the other person come up, make a mental note and comment on their successes. These are things that you could follow through on in discussions later on as well.
Keep Things Relatable, But Honest
Many people have things in common, and conversations can have a flow to them. If your phone date is complaining about their job, feel free to put out a little bit of complaint about your work as well. Try not to complain too much, only complain if there is zero chance of it getting back to your work, and look to add some positivity to the conversation as well. Only advise if it is asked for, or after you inquire if you can first. Most people have stresses at work, and talking these things out in a tactful manner can be one way for people to connect.
Many People Like Talking About Family
While this might not be a conversation for a first phone call for some, many people on dating services have children or family members that are impactful to their life. Sometimes, asking people how they relate to their family is a great transition question to ask. As with other topics, look to talk about some of the positive things, in addition to negatives, about family and the people you love.
Phone dating can be very exciting. It leads to new adventures and a lot of great times. Getting educated on how best to approach conversation over the phone and during dates will help score you more hot dates with some of the best gay men on the market.